Part I: Proposal Overview

The purpose of this website is to present a planned proposal for an educational initiative I would like to begin in the Gull Lake Community Schools District. In collaboration with potential classrooms ranging from Chicago, Illinois to Okinawa, Japan, my goal is to begin a version of a "Flat Classroom." Based off of the inspiring work of Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay ( and the eye-opening book of Thomas Friedman (The World Is Flat), this project strives to develop cross-cultural communication and collaboration within the educational experience. Never before has the role of globalization and the leveling of opportunity and competition changed so rapidly as with the technological revolution of the digital 21st century. In response to these ever-changing conditions and climates, it is essential to afford our students with the knowledge, understanding, and experiences to develop into global citizens with widened perspectives and to engage in global partnerships based on meaningful learning.

My Dream It Proposal aims to accomplish just that. The following pages are dedicated to explaining my proposed course of action, specifically as tied to TPACK (the integration of Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge). This approach will outline how teaching literary themes in classic works can be revitalized with a new vision that integrates individual perspective with the understanding of cultural identity in order to create new and flexible meanings. Collaborative student learning within global partnerships will support communication skills via technology tools, which will also allow for multiple forms and modes of communication and expression. In these ways, the learning experience moves from individual isolation into a vibrant global community where authentic purpose, audience, and relevancy are clear from start to finish.
  -- Lindsay Stoetzel, 2011

Proposal Resources